Holiday Home Burgos Castilla Y Leon Fernseher

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Holiday Home Burgos Castilla Y Leon Fernseher: Casa Los Abuelos

The house is located opposite the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, next to all the necessary services such as ATM, pharmacy, grocery stores, restaurants ... The house also has a quiet and pleasant courtyard where individual and relax, and a small library next to the fireplace. Details and Availability

Destination: Burgos Castilla y Leon, Castilla y Leon, Spain

Properties: Fishing Fernseher

Source: Alwaysonvacation-com

Type: Holiday Home

Holiday Home Burgos Castilla Y Leon Fernseher: Casa Los Abuelos

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Holiday Home Burgos Castilla Y Leon Fernseher: House Of Rural Tourism

One is one old house of farming located in Vivar of the Cid,in the beginning of the way of the exile of the Cid. It consists of 4 double rooms, 3 baths, cooks and dining room.It is located in center of the town, from his windows you canto contemplate all the town. Details and Availability

Destination: Burgos Castilla y Leon, Castilla y Leon, Spain

Properties: Fernseher

Source: Alwaysonvacation-com

Type: Holiday Home

Holiday Home Burgos Castilla Y Leon Fernseher: House Of Rural Tourism

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