It is formed by two buildings that can be rented separately of joint form or and that is located in the place of SAR-TABEIRÓS, the City council of A Estrada, province of Pontevedra. As you can observe this conserved in at sight stone and the construction elements are the traditional ones, stone, iron and wood. Everything a benefit of tranquillity in incomparable surroundings by his seen the valley of tabeirós. ... Details and Availability
Destination: La Estrada, Galicia, Spain
Properties: Fernseher
Source: Alwaysonvacation-com
Type: Holiday Home
Neat the Avelina House is a construction of end of century XIX principles of century XX, during years 70 is realised in its structure an extension and redistribution of the house, that stays at present. This house is one of the initiators of the rural tourism in Galicia by year 1992 there. Pioneer within the rural tourism, hoards between his walls the experience and the knowledge to make in the first place of his ... Details and Availability
Destination: La Estrada, Galicia, Spain
Properties: Fernseher
Source: Alwaysonvacation-com
Type: Holiday Home
Old house of farming, from great surface and cash settlement, all she in stone and of heavy outer walls as as much inner, its construction dates approximately of half-full from century XIX. In the entrance or recibidor of the house is great " lareira" and a sink worked in stone and still is a small vestige of one old carbide canalization like lighting system of the house, in the zone inferior of the house are recovered ... Details and Availability
Destination: La Estrada, Galicia, Spain
Properties: Fernseher
Source: Alwaysonvacation-com
Type: Holiday Home